52nd Anniversary Celebration

On November 18th, Thursday, the Friends of the Ashley Schiff Preserve hosted a virtual celebration of the 52nd Anniversary of Forever Wild!

Local Long Island Naturalist (and an activist) Mr. John Turner gave us a talk titled Forest Stories from the Ashley Schiff Preserve.

Zoom Recording is available here.

https://stonybrook.zoom.us/rec/share/7UGyGx0T_Qv6gNGNrnBEj6ok25-rqNIghNtKy8d6aNh4xV-3Xq-t4DBOIQBR4LEF.bNF0gLj4BCA11fgS Passcode: 0D9SM!Xu

cover photo credit :NewsDay

  • Scholarship Winners Announced!

As we did not have a recipient due to the pandemic, this year, we are excited to have two scholarship projects that the Friends have decided to fund.

Elijah Berger (Dept. of Geoscience) : Investigating the Geological History of the Ashley Schiff Preserve

Advisor : Dan Davis (Geosciences)

Isabella Betancourt Salcedo (SoMAS) : Translating the Friends of the Ashley Schiff website and outreach material

Advisor : David Taylor (Geosciences)

  • 2021 Guardian of the Glade

This year’s Guardian of the Glade Award goes to Hogyeum Evan Joo, the Volunteer Program Manager. He started to be involved in the work of the Friends of the Ashley Schiff Preserve, and continued being involved closely with volunteer program work, social media and out reach, and rebuilding the website.